Current News

Hourly Boat Checkout -
New! You will now need to choose a start time and end time when checking out a boat. This means multiple members can use a boat throughout the day if it is not booked for the whole day. If you already had a reservation set up it has been converted to the new style but left at a full day checkout. more...
Boat status -
The Ericson 25 and Merit 25 are in the water but the Merit is without a jib until we finish repairs. Be extremely careful to secure the boats at the dock to avoid contact with the steel pilings. Any member passing by the marina please swing by to check on the boats. As the lake level comes up we ... more...
Class registration -
Level One sailing is full but you can sign up on the wait list in the event we are able to offer an additional class. There are openings available for level two at this time for sailors with some experience or have completed level one. more...

Who We Are

The Lake Chelan Sailing Association is a very informal group of folks from North Central Washington who love sailing and want to share the experience with you! LCSA is a non profit association now organized in compliance with section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code. We are based at the Chelan City Marina located across from the Red Apple Market on highway 150.

We work to provide access to sailing on Lake Chelan without cost as a barrier and we offer free or low cost sailing courses and boating education to enhance that access. Our volunteer, US Sailing Certified instructors offer free sailing classes every year.