Up lake cruise
We have a mixed bag for the up lake cruise this year with some folks going ahead and some opting out. It will not be an "official" event but people are welcome to choose as they see fit.
VanderSchalies are going to head for Corral or Graham on Saturday August 3 and will decide on staying there or heading further up lake as conditions warrant.
All North Shore Forest Service docks are closed and the outhouses have been wrapped to protect them from fire.
There is no dock at Domke Falls. The dock at Refrigerator Harbor is open but in disrepair and the campground is closed. Lucerne Boat Basin is also closed. (note that those two are not included in the USFS official closure order but are posted at the sites). Manly Wham is open. Stehekin is under a level 1 evacuation order and that will increase in the coming days. Weaver Point is currently open but not being serviced by NPS.
Smoke conditions vary daily with mornings usually seeing an inversion.
Other news
Classes wrap up for the season tonight.
Wednesday night sailing continues as conditions allow. Thank you Jason!
As always, take care to secure boats at the dock to prevent contact with the steel pilings and cancel unused reservations.